Index des jeux PSX

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Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:31

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A Bugs Life [PAL-FR][Action/Aventure]
Ace Combat 2 [PAL] [Tir / Simulation]
Ace Combat 3 [PAL] [Tir / Simulation]
Action Bass [PAL] [Sport]
Action Man - Destruction X [PAL-][Action/Aventure]
Action Man - Mission Xtreme [PAL-Multi][Action/Aventure]
Actua Golf 3 [PAL] [Sport]
Actua Ice Hockey 2 [PAL] [Sport]
Actua Pool [PAL-Uk] [Sport]
Actua Soccer [PAL] [Sport]
Agent Armstrong [PAL-MULTI] [Action/Aventure]
Akuji : The Heartless [PAL-MULTI] [Action/Aventure]
Aladdin : la Revanche de Nasira [PAL-FR][Action/Aventure]
Alfred chicken [PAL-MULTI] [Action/Aventure]
Alien : La Resurrection [PAL-MULTI] [ FPS]
Alien Trilogy [PAL-MULTI] [ FPS]
Alone in the Dark : Jack is Back [PAL-MULTI] [ Survival Horror]
Alone in the Dark : The New Nightmare [PAL-FR][ Survival Horror]
Alundra [PAL-FR] [Rpg]
Alundra 2 [PAL-NTSC / Patché FR] [Rpg]
Apocalypse [PAL-FR][Action/Aventure]
Aqua GT [PAL-MULTI] [Course]
Arc The Lad [NTSC-US] (Patché FR CR-Hack v.1.0a) [Rpg/Tactique]
Arc The Lad II [NTSC-US] [Rpg/Tactique]
Ark of Time [PAL-MULTI] [Action/Aventure]
Area 51 [PAL-MULTI] [ Tir/Shoot'em up]
Astérix- Maxi Delirium[PAL-MULTI][Action/Aventure]
Azure Dreams[PAL-MULTI] [Rpg]

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Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
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Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:34

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Ballistic [PAL-MULTI] [ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]
Batman et Robin [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Batman of the Future : Return of the Joker [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Battle Arena Toshinden [NTSC-US] [Baston]
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 [NTSC-US] [Baston]
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 [NTSC-US] [Baston]
Battle Arena Toshinden 4 [PAL-UK] [Baston]
Beach Volleyball [PAL-MULTI] [Sport]
Beast Wars : Transformers [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Beyblade : Hyper Vitesse [PAL-UK] [ Action/Aventure]
Blade [Pal-Fr] [ Action/Aventure]
Block Buster [PAL-UK] [ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]
Bloody Roar [PAL-UK] [Baston]
Bloody Roar 2 [PAL-UK] [Baston]
Brave Fencer Musashi [NTSC-US] [Rpg]
Breath Of Fire III [Pal-Fr] [Rpg]
Breath of Fire IV [ NTSC-US Patchée FR] [Rpg]
Bugs Bunny Et Taz : La Spirale Du Temps [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Bugs Bunny : Voyage À Travers Le Temps [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Burning Road [PAL-UK] [Course]
Bushido Blade [NTSC-US] [Baston]
Bushido Blade 2 [NTSC-US] [Baston]
Bust A Groove [PAL-MULTI] [ Music/Dance]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:34

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C-12 : Final Resistance [PAL-FR] [Action/Aventure]
Carmageddon [PAL-Multi] [Course]
Castlevania Chronicles[PAL-UK] [Action/Aventure]
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night[PAL-UK] [Action/Aventure]
Chicken Run [PAL-Multi] [Action/Aventure]
Chrono Cross (Patché FR - TT v1.1b-Fix) [NTSC-US] [RPG]
Colony Wars [PAL-UK][ Tir/Shoot'em up]
Colony Wars : Vengeance [PAL-FR] [ Tir/Shoot'em up]
Crash Bandicoot [PAL-UK] [Action/Aventure]
Crash Bandicoot 2 : Cortex Strikes [PAL-Multi] [Action/Aventure]
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped [PAL-Multi5] [Action/Aventure]
Crash Team Racing [PAL-Multi] [Course]
Crash Team Racing [NTSC-US] [Course]
Croc [PAL-UK] [Action/Aventure]
Croc 2 [PAL-Multi] [Action/Aventure]
Colin McRae Rally [PAL-Multi] [Course]
Colin McRae Rally 2 [PAL-Multi] [Course]
Command & Conquer : Alerte Rouge [PAL-FR] [ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]
Command & Conquer : Alerte Rouge Missions Tesla [PAL-FR] [ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]
Cool Boarders [PAL-UK] [Sport]
Cool Boarders 2 [PAL-UK] [Sport]
Cool Boarders 3 [PAL-UK] [Sport]
Coupe du Monde FIFA 2002 [PAL] [Sport]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:34

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Darkstone [PAL- Multi] [Rpg]
De Sang Froid [PAL- FR] [ Action/Aventure]
Dead or Alive [PAL-Uk] [ Baston]
Diablo [PAL- Multi] [Rpg]
Digimon World 2003 [PAL- Multi] [Rpg]
Dino Crisis [PAL- FR] (paradox patch) [Survival Horror]
Dino Crisis 2 [PAL- FR] [Survival Horror]
Dracula Resurrection [PAL- FR] [Survival Horror]
Dracula 2 - Le Dernier Sanctuaire [PAL- FR] [Survival Horror]
Dragon Ball Z : Ultimate Battle 22 [PAL- FR] [ Baston]
Driver [PAL- FR] [Course]
Driver 2 [PAL- FR] [Course]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:34

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Ehrgeiz [PAL-UK] [Baston]
Eternal Eyes [PAL-MULTI] [Rpg]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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Fatal Fury : Wild Ambition [NTSC-US] [ Baston]
Fighting Force [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Fighting Force 2 [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Final Fantasy V [PAL-FR] [Rpg]
Final Fantasy VII [PAL-FR] [Rpg]
Final Fantasy VII [PAL-FR] (Patch Retrad Neo Midgar) [Rpg]
Final Fantasy VIII [PAL-FR] [Rpg]
Final Fantasy IX [PAL-FR] [Rpg]
Final Fantasy Tactics [NTSC-US] [Rpg / Tactic ]
folles poursuite [PAL-FR] [Course]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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G.Darius [Pal-UK] [Tir/Shoot'em up]
G-Police [Pal-Fr] [ Action/Aventure]
G-Police 2 - Weapons of Justice [Pal-UK] [ Action/Aventure]
Galerians [PAL-FR] Patche Paradox [Survival Horror]
Ghost in the Shell [Pal-Fr] [ Action/Aventure]
Gran Turismo [PAL-MULTI] [Course]
Gran Turismo 2 [PAL-MULTI] [Course]
Grand Theft Auto [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Grandia [Pal-Fr] [Rpg]
Guilty Gear [NTSC-US] [Baston

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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Hard Edge [PAL-MULTI]] [ Action/Aventure]
Harry Potter : à l'École des Sorciers [PAL-MULTI]] [ Action/Aventure]
Harry Potter Et La Chambre Des Secrets [PAL-MULTI]] [ Action/Aventure]
Heart of Darkness [PAL-FR]] [ Action/Aventure]
Hercule [PAL-FR]] [ Action/Aventure]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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Nom du jeu [REGION] [Style de jeu]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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Jade Cocoon [PAL-FR] [Rpg]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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Klonoa[Pal-Fr] [Action/Aventure]
Koudelka [Pal-Fr] [ RPG]
Kula World [PAL-Uk] [ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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La cité des enfants perdus [Pal-Fr][Action/Aventure]
La Momie [Pal-Multi] [Action/Aventure]
La Planète Au Trésor [Pal-Fr][Action/Aventure]
Le Cinquieme Element [Pal-Multi][Action/Aventure]
Legacy of Kain : Blood Omen [Pal-Fr][Action/Aventure]
Legacy of Kain :Soul Reaver [Pal-Fr][Action/Aventure]
Legend Of Foresia : La Contrée Interdite [Pal-Fr] [Rpg]
Legend Of Kartia [Pal-Multi] [Rpg]
Legend of Legaia [Pal-Fr] [Rpg]
Legend of Mana [NTSC-US Patché FR] [Rpg]
Lemmings & Oh no ! more lemmings[Pal-Multi][ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]
Les Chevaliers De Baphomet [Pal-Fr][Action/Aventure]
Les Chevaliers De Baphomet II [Pal-Fr][Action/Aventure]
Les Cochons De Guerre [Pal-Fr][ Gestion/Réflexion/Stratégie]
Les Fous Du Volant [Pal-Multi][ Course]
Little Big Adventure [Pal-Multi][Action/Aventure]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:35

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P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - #

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Martian Gothic : Unification [PAL-MULTI] [Survival Horror]
Marvel Super Heroes [PAL-Uk][ Baston ]
Medal of Honor [PAL-FR][ FPS ]
Medal of Honor : Resistance [PAL-FR][ FPS ]
Medievil [PAL-FR][ Action/Aventure]
Medievil 2 [PAL-MULTI] [ Action/Aventure]
Metal Gear Solid [PAL-FR] [ Action/Aventure]
Monstres et Cie [PAL-FR] [ Action/Aventure]
Mortal Kombat : Trilogy [PAL-Uk] [Baston]

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Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:36

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Nom du jeu [REGION] [Style de jeu]

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Administrateur du site
Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme

Re: Index des jeux PSX

Messagepar Nayl » Mer 1 Fév 2012 22:36

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O
P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - #

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oddworld : L'Odyssee D'Abe [PAL-FR] [ Action/Aventure]
Oddworld : L'Exode D'Abe [PAL-FR] [ Action/Aventure]
OverBlood [NTSC-US] [ Survival Horror]
OverBlood 2 [NTSC-US] [ Survival Horror]

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Administrateur du site
Messages: 1863
Âge: 47
Enregistré le: Dim 16 Nov 2008 16:06
Localisation: Au trou !
Genre: Homme


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