Vagrant Story Guide [English]

Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: BRADY GAMES; 1 edition (May 9, 2000)
Author: Dan Birlew
Language: English
Format: pdf

The Mullenkamp Cult has abducted the young son of Duke Bardorba, and now holds him deep within the haunted ruins of what was once the mightiest city on earth.

As Ashley Riot, your mission is to infiltrate Lea Monde and uncover the truth behind the young heir's abduction. You must find the secret behind the ancient power of Lea Monde!

- Complete walkthrough

- Clear game tips and strategies

- Weapon , item, and spell lists

- Detailed area maps
Standing in your path is an army of the Cardinal's Knights, led by a determined zealot. Mullenkamp Cult leader Sydney Losstarot has summoned hundreds of mythic titans to make matters worse. You'll need the skills of a true "Riskbreaker" to survive!

The truth lies hidden in the city of evil...

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