Final Fantasy IV OSV

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Final Fantasy IV Original Sound Version


[font=Comic Sans MS]
01 - The Prelude
02 - Red Wings
03 - Kingdom of Baron
04 - Theme of Love
05 - Prologue...
06 - Welcome to Our Town!
07 - Main Theme to Final Fantasy IV
08 - Fight 1
09 - Fanfare
10 - Hello! Big Chocobo!
11 - Chocobo-Chocobo
12 - Into the Darkness
13 - Fight 2
14 - Ring of Bomb
15 - Rydia
16 - Castle Damcyan
17 - Cry in Sorrow
18 - Melody of Lute
19 - Mt. Ordeals
20 - Fabul
21 - Run!
22 - Suspicion
23 - Golbez Clad in the Dark
24 - Hey, Cid!
25 - Mystic Mysidia
26 - Long Way to Go
27 - Palom & Porom
28 - The Dreadful Fight
29 - The Airship
30 - Troian Beauty
31 - Samba de Chocobo!
32 - Tower of Babel
33 - Somewhere in the World...
34 - Land of Dwarves
35 - Giotto, the Great King
36 - Dancing Calcobrena
37 - Tower of Zot
38 - Illusionary World
39 - The Big Whale
40 - Another Moon
41 - The Lunarians
42 - Within the Giant
43 - The Final Battle
44 - Epilogue[/font]

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Messages: 80
Âge: 33
Enregistré le: Mer 6 Juil 2011 22:22
Localisation: Sur un titan endormie
Genre: Homme

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