The OneUps Volume 1

Doujin album JV by Xeno-Krelian

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The OneUps Volume 1


01 ToeJam Jammin' [from ToeJam & Earl]
02 Koopa Beach [from Super Mario Kart]
03 Monkeys [from Mario Paint]
04 Isle Delfino [from Super Mario Sunshine]
05 Andy Asteroids [from Earthworm Jim]
06 Schala [from Chrono Trigger]
07 City Lights (Mother) [from Axelay]
08 Katamaritaino [from Katamari Damacy]
09 Koopa's Theme [from Super Mario 64]
10 Bomberman [from Bomberman]
11 Town Medley [from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link]
12 Bossa De Link [from The Legend of Zelda]
13 Aquatic Ambience [from Donkey Kong Country]
14 Green Grees [from Kirby's Dream Land]
15 Michael's Theme [from Maniac Mansion]
16 Paperboy [from Paperboy]

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Enregistré le: Sam 4 Juin 2011 14:39
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