[OST] Final Fantasy XI - Wings of The Goddess

Crusaders of Altana | Upload By Nayl

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Final Fantasy XI

~Wings of The Goddess~

~Crusaders of Altana~


01 - March of the Allied Forces
02 - Flowers on the Battlefield
03 - Roar of the Battle Drums
04 - Autumn Footfalls
05 - Griffons Never Die
06 - Clash of Standards
07 - Echoes of a Zephyr
08 - Thunder of the March
09 - Encampment Dreams
10 - The Cosmic Wheel
11 - Stargazing
12 - On this Blade
13 - Young Griffons in Flight
14 - Run Maggot, Run!
15 - Cloister of Time and Souls
16 - Royal Wanderlust
17 - Under a Clouded Moon
18 - Where Lords Rule Not
19 - Kindred Cry
20 - Snowdrift Waltz
21 - Troubled Shadows
22 - Wings of the Goddess
23 - Iron Colossus
24 - Ragnarok
25 - An Invisible Crown

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Âge: 34
Enregistré le: Mer 6 Juil 2011 22:22
Localisation: Sur un titan endormie
Genre: Homme

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