Donkey Kong 64 Guide [English]

by ploder

Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Nintendo (1999)
Language: English
Author: Nintendo
File type: Pdf

The cruel Kremling king has returned once more with hopes of ape annihilation, and not even a gang of DK's relatives can assure a Kong victory. Our crew of slightly more evolved primates at Nintendo Power will make sure you don't go bananas.

- Detailed directions to help you find all of the 201 Golden Bananas
- Complete maps of all eight levels, from you front door to the final Kongfrontation
- All the tips you need to track down 101% of the items in the game, from bananas to Battle Crowns to Banana Fairies
- Mulitplayer maps and tactics to help you make monkeys of your friends
- Boss strategies, professional ape advice and the scoop on all the cheats! ~ Amazon product description

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