Final Fantasy XII Guide [English]

by ploder

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Paperback: 340 pages
Publisher: PIGGYBACK INTERACTIVE (23 Feb 2007)
Language: English
Author: Piggyback
Format: Playstation 2 (PS2)
Price: £ 14.99
ISBN: 1-903511-48-0
EAN: 978-1-903511-48-0
File type: Pdf

Developed by a dedicated 30-man editorial team, Piggyback's official Final Fantasy XII companion is our biggest and most detailed book to date. With no less than 340 pages, this 100% comprehensive guide includes a massive walkthrough, all secrets, side-quests, mini-games and bonuses, not to mention a comprehensive tactics chapter with expert advice and tried-and-tested battle strategies. With its expert guidance complemented by beautiful Final Fantasy XII artwork, and each page being the product of more man hours than we'd care to recount, Final Fantasy XII: The Complete Guide is a true labour of love.

The all-encompassing Final Fantasy XII: The Complete Guide is an indispensable companion to your travels through the world of Ivalice, and has been designed for use by both newcomers and Final Fantasy experts alike. ~ Publisher's description.

It took me many months but I finally have it. This is the super rare Piggyback version which is reputed to be better than the Bradygames one. Very difficult to find on the web since all links are fake (point to the Bradygames version). Hope you enjoy and don't forget to say thanks if you appreciate these guides. I have also included a MU mirror this time. ;)
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