Final Fantasy VII Guide [English]

Versus Books

I have something special for you. This is reputed to be one of the best printed guides created for FFVII, rarer than the official guide, with copies now fetching around a hundred dollars on ebay.

Final Fantasy VII is a spectacular game no matter how you play it, but if you play it without this guide, you'll never know what you're missing. Learn how to raise your chocobos and use their special abilities to uncover ridiculously powerful hidden materia. Unearth all eight level 4 limit breaks and get your characters using them before you ever thought possible. Learn how to craft 16-materia combos that cast eight spells, steal eight times, attack twice and completely refill your health and MP every turn. Play through the RPG of the century content in the knowledge that you've found every single secret weapon, item, materia, and skill that Final Fantasy VII has to offer!

Publisher: Versus Books (1997)
Author: Casey Loe
Language: English
142 pages

Code: Tout sélectionner
MD5 Hash Checksum: 9f52901f2bedc35355d739228bed1f56
File size: 29.2 MB

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