[OST] Final Fantasy Anime: Legend of the Crystal

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Final Fantasy Anime: Legend of the Crystal

Wind and Fire


01 - Opening Theme
02 - Sign of a Storm
03 - Trip's Beginning
04 - Chocobo's Theme
05 - Hikuutei Kaizoku Rouge Toujyou!
06 - Spirit of the Forest
07 - Linaly's Guidance
08 - Temple of the Wind
09 - Purin Purin gou no Totsugeki
10 - Iron Wings Theme
11 - To the Inside of the Temple
12 - Crystal's Crisis
13 - Crystal's Secret
14 - Linaly Bottle
15 - Storm Climate (Ep.1 End)
16 - Prettz's Theme 17 - Linaly's Theme
18 - Vargas Entry
19 - Prettz's and Vargas's Ikkiuchi
20 - To Rouge Island
21 - Crystal Appearance
22 - Ghost-Boy Mid's Entry
23 - Prettz and Vargas' Capture
24 - Prettz's Great Active Drama
25 - Escape
26 - Death Gyunos' Attack
27 - Collapse of Rouge Island
28 - Prettz's Seikan
29 - Storm Climate (Ep.2 End)
30 - Rouge's Theme
31 - Vargas' Theme

Dragon and Star


1. Storm Climate (Extended Version)
2. Opening Theme
3. Taikun Jyou eno Kikan
4. Princess Lenna's Prayer
5. Mid's Secret
6. The Warriors' Decision
7. Rouge's Honi
8. Appearance of the Iron Wing
9. Sentou Boudo no Syuugeki
10. Crystal's Guidance
11. Flying Dragon Entry
12. Syugoshin no Fukkatsu
13. Storm Climate (Ep.3 End)
14. Struggle to the Death
15. Black Moon
16. Death-Gyunos' Military Battle
17. Linaly's Expiration?!
18. Master Cid, We Meet Again
19. Crystal's Power
20. Recursion of a Dark Heart
21. The Warriors' Progress
22. Storm Climate (Ep.4 End)

Les deux OST de l'animé Final Fantasy : Legend of the Crystal

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Messages: 80
Âge: 33
Enregistré le: Mer 6 Juil 2011 22:22
Localisation: Sur un titan endormie
Genre: Homme

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