[OST]Phantom Kingdom

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Tracklist :

Disc un
01 - Phantom Kingdom
02 - The Devil's Entrance
03 - The Quickening of Fate
04 - Darkness Darkness
05 - Demons party
06 - JOKER
07 - First Campaign
08 - Wild mood
09 - Big Guest
10 - The Duke of Darkness Royal Kingdark the 3rd
11 - Capture the Universe In This Hand
12 - Rushing Out of the Land of the Demons
13 - Fighting Spirit In the Heart
14 - Alexander the God of Destruction
15 - Super Cool No.1
16 - Burning Fighting Spirit
17 - I am a boss!
18 - Sudden Threat
19 - One More Conclusion

Disc deux
01 - Sabat
02 - Invasion of the Devil World
03 - MAKAI Fusion
04 - Swirling Whirlpool
05 - Cold rain
06 - Sadness
07 - After the rain
08 - Grand finale
09 - Madness of the Moment
10 - March of fear
11 - Transition of the Soul
12 - Quiet tension
13 - Love / Desire / Affection
14 - Salome the Traitor
15 - The Devil's Descent
16 - Great Wilder Kingdom arrangement
17 - Apocalypse
18 - Royal road
19 - intermission

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Messages: 1454
Âge: 41
Enregistré le: Mar 31 Mai 2011 20:48
Genre: Homme

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