Phantom Brave OST

Upload By Xeno-Krelian

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Phantom Brave Original Soundtrack


1. Angel Breath
2. Hanasaki Tour Guide
3. The Edge of These Inflaming Memories
4. My Little Garden
5. Land Step
6. Wood Stick
7. B·A·R
8. Grand March
9. Sand Shower
10. You're So Sad
11. Snowberry
12. Game Breaker
13. Friend

1. R&R Junkiee
2. Strange Wind
3. All at once
4. Rest for an Angel ~ from Angel Breath
5. Demon Starfish
6. Dark Trick
7. A Hole in Space-Time
8. Eye of the Timer ~ from A Hole in Space-Time
9. 7th Brass
10. Rumbling Beat
11. Memories Traced with Sorrow
12. Violent Emotion
13. Endless Parade
14. Heavens Garden

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