Parasite Eve 2 OST

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Parasite Eve 2 OST


[font=Comic Sans MS]
01 - forbidden power [theme for aya ]
02 - mist
03 - aya again
04 - don't move
05 - nightmare in the battlefield
06 - deadly calm
07 - the first encounter
08 - tower rendezvous
09 - metamorphosis
10 - watch out !
11 - ambush !
12 - what the hell happened
13 - do something !
14 - weird man
15 - return to the base
16 - ghost town
17 - hunt in Dryfield
18 - don't shoot !
19 - douglas blues
20 - water tower
21 - hiding place
22 - Dryfield
23 - the bottom of the well
24 - stealth assault
25 - heaven sent killer
26 - the deapth of aya's memories
27 - from dusk till dawn
28 - vagrants
29 - dark field
30 - gigantic burner
31 - douglas grief
32 - voice of mitochondria
33 - pick up the gauntlet
34 - abandoned mine
35 - into the shelter
36 - wipe out the creatures
37 - hold your breath
38 - crawling waste emperor
39 - chase
40 - a sigh of relief
41 - passing through the siewer, you'll find...
42 - battle on the waterside
43 - inner part of the shelter
44 - innermost of the shelter
45 - negative heritage
46 - man made nature
47 - ark
48 - fool's paradise
49 - mental deranger
50 - mitochondria reactor
51 - stalker
52 - cruelty of eve's fate
53 - killing field
54 - golem soldiers
55 - prestige of the nation
56 - intrusion
57 - brace yourself
58 - brahman
59 - distorted evolution
60 - logic of the superpower
61 - aya's diary
62 - epilogue
63 - gentle rays
64 - omake[/font]

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Enregistré le: Mar 31 Mai 2011 20:48
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