[OST] Wild Arms 2

by Cronos

Retrouvez ici les musiques de vos jeux favoris .

CD 1
01 - Main Title
02 - You'll Never Be Alone (Disc 1 Opening)
03 - Going Out
04 - Dungeon Exploring 1
05 - Confusion in the Front
06 - Chase
07 - The Crisis At Hand
08 - A Resolution
09 - The Task at Hand
10 - Dungeon Type 2
11 - A Momentary Respite
12 - From Anxiety to Impatience
13 - magical girl entrance
14 - Wavering Feelings
15 - Monster Haven
16 - Victory!
17 - travelers
18 - dark, calm night
19 - a time of good
20 - first ignition
21 - field the barren lands
22 - field the lightning sky
23 - field last ignition
24 - the town to the western winds
25 - western village
26 - the foreboding star
27 - well rested
28 - near the seas
29 - stretch farther than the skies
30 - a blow of the wind
31 - dungeon front battle 1
32 - dungeon surprised 1
33 - dungeon surprised 2
34 - dungeon pinch fight 1
35 - dungeon pinch fight 2
36 - dungeon horror
37 - dungeon tension
38 - dungeon battle
39 - dungeon chapel
40 - dungeon odessa's hideout
41 - dungeon monster world
42 - dungeon heimdal gasso
43 - dungeon the world that anastasia live in
44 - dungeon a dangerous place
45 - dungeon center of fargaia
46 - castle
47 - guildgrad
48 - valeria chateau
49 - live reflector
50 - guardian
51 - tim and collet
52 - operation arms' theme
53 - odessa's theme
54 - battle force
55 - battle knight blazer
56 - battle vs mid boss
57 - battle vs solid
58 - battle vs coctaurus
59 - the feeling that someone is watching
60 - battle vs vincefelt
61 - battle vs toka and ge
62 - battle vs child of the kaiverbelt
63 - battle vs edgeworth kaiverbelt
64 - you're not alone...
65 - battle vs lord blazer
66 - battle vs ragu - ragura
67 - condition green!
68 - new entrances
69 - before the path of righteousness
70 - it's clear
71 - trap and the path
72 - the new sunset
73 - win!
74 - game over
75 - atomic arms (disc 1 ending)

CD 2
01 - resistance line - extended version (disc 2 opening)
02 - toka and ge
03 - launch!
04 - boss demo
05 - pure darkness
06 - the plight of anastasia
07 - one vanquisher of evil
08 - high pressure
09 - fate
10 - a new chance
11 - battle robot jack
12 - promise made on a star
13 - fargaia summit
14 - old tale
15 - starting off
16 - starting from night
17 - i'm back - a song
18 - thinking on a sentiment
19 - marina's plight
20 - the message from the heart
21 - before the final battle
22 - the center of fargaia
23 - the flight of the human race
24 - the returners
25 - the last evil
26 - (8 tracks in 1 arranged)
27 - zephyrs's (disc 2 ending)
28 - field 1-4 (4 tracks non-stop)
29 - the night sky
30 - do not worry, just believe
31 - wild arms 2 medley

==>Informations sur l'upload<==
-Hébergement : Megaupload
-Compresser avec : Winrar
-Taille : 201.16 MB

Mot de passe : isospsx
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Enregistré le: Sam 4 Juin 2011 14:39
Genre: Homme

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