Final Fantasy Gaiden - Original SoundTrack (NDS)

Titre original : Hikari no 4 Senshi | Upload By Nayl

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Final Fantasy Gaiden - Original SoundTrack
(Hikari no 4 Senshi)


01 The Four Warriors of Light Main Theme 2:10
02 Horn, the Home of the Wind 1:38
03 Horn, the Home of the Wind (Night) 1:43
04 Royal Palace Melody 1:12
05 Walking the Ground 2:44
06 Walking the Ground (Night) 1:25
07 Battle with Demons 1:10
08 Victory 0:33
09 Cave of Wraiths 2:10
10 The Witch's Mansion 2:17
11 Strong Enemy 1:32
12 A Desperate Situation 1:43
13 Guidance of the Crystal 0:40
14 The Four Warriors of Light 2:19
15 Magic Kingdom Gula 1:54
16 Magic Kingdom Gula (Night) 1:42
17 Liberte, the Capital of Art 1:15
18 Liberte, the Capital of Art (Night) 1:17
19 Trading City Vulpes 1:25
20 Trading City Vulpes (Night) 1:26
21 Business is Fun 0:52
22 Good Night Now 0:10
23 The Legendary Whale 2:17
24 Elva, the Forbidden Land 2:59
25 Closed-Off Invidia 4:39
26 The Dragon Egg 0:22
27 Riding on the Dragon 2:56
28 Heavenly Superbia 2:12
29 Heavenly Superbia (Night) 2:08
30 Cursed Town 2:29
31 The Demon King's Servants 1:32
32 Approaching Dread 1:22
33 Crisis by a Hair 0:52
34 Defeat 0:11
35 Adventurous Friends 0:12
36 Another Space 3:19
37 The Demon King's Heartbeat 2:08
38 The Final Battle 2:01
39 Chaos, the Demon King 1:34
40 The End of the Journey 3:02
41 The Adventure Doesn't End 6:16

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Messages: 80
Âge: 34
Enregistré le: Mer 6 Juil 2011 22:22
Localisation: Sur un titan endormie
Genre: Homme

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