The Last Remnant

by Cronos

Retrouvez ici les musiques de vos jeux favoris .

CD 1
01 - The First Awakening
02 - Cherished Memories
03 - Opening Suite : The Search
04 - Opening Suite : The Chase
05 - Opening Suite : The Charge
06 - Opening Suite : The Assault
07 - Clash of Opposites
08 - Truths Revealed
09 - All for Her
10 - Home
11 - Gathering Clouds
12 - Into The Depths
13 - Flamedrop
14 - Struggle Eternal
15 - Silver of Hope
16 - The Young Marquis
17 - The Known World
18 - The City of heroes
19 - A friendly Ear
20 - An Open Mind
21 - Fair Judgment
22 - Ante Up
23 - Creeping Shadows
24 - Rolling Hills , Sprawling Plains
25 - Sword Sparks
26 - Reversal!
27 - Horns of Victory
28 - Evil's Advance
29 - Glitering Gold
30 - Dark Secrets
31 - A special Girl
32 - Spilling Through Your Fingers
33 - The Ageless Mage
34 - The Bonds of Friendship

CD 2
01 - The Heavens' Majesty
02 - Gateway th the West
03 - The Seat of Vulcan
04 - Swirling Sands
05 - Free and Easy
06 - The Conqueror's Message
07 - Something About That Guys
08 - The Binding
09 - Arcane Mysteries
10 - Memories Regained
11 - Family
12 - Ancient Magicks
13 - The Curse
14 - The Marshalls
15 - Limberlost
16 - In the Shadow of the Dragon
17 - The Crumbling Fortress
18 - Old Traditions , New Methods
19 - Unrelenting Advance
20 - Fallen
21 - Catafalque
22 - A Son's Loss
23 - Wows Renewed
24 - Everflow
25 - Assembling the Puzzle
26 - The Gates of Hell
27 - A Sister's Faith
28 - The Price of Arrogance
29 - Reunited at Last
30 - Echoing Hallways
31 - Rewriting the Rules
32 - The Secong Awakening
33 - Gwayn's Bellow
34 - The Remnant of Fear
35 - Marion's Blessing
36 - Whispers of the Ancients

CD 3
01 - Breakers on the Shore
02 - Enter the Seven
03 - Life Without Remnants
04 - Hermeien's Ultimatum
05 - Accepting the Challenge
06 - Press to Victory
07 - Turn the Tide
08 - Unexpected Betrayal
09 - Out of Control
10 - Beat the Odds
11 - The bitter End
12 - My Liege , My Ennemy
13 - Wheat From Chaff
14 - Through the Tulgey Wood
15 - Unconditional Trust
16 - Echoes of the Past
17 - Final decision
18 - Labyrinth
19 - One Step
20 - The warden and the Activator
21 - Time for Release
22 - Nisus
23 - Schismogenesis
24 - The final sacrifice
25 - Journey's End
26 - Finale
27 - overture : TGS 2007 mix

==>Informations sur l'upload<==

-Hébergement : Megaupload
-Compresser avec : Winrar
-Taille cd1&cd2 : 257.26 MB
-Taille cd3 : 137.84 MB

Mot de passe : isospsx
Lien cd1&cd2:
HIDE: Activé
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Lien cd3:
HIDE: Activé
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Enregistré le: Sam 4 Juin 2011 14:39
Genre: Homme

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