Final Fantasy IX Uematsu's Best Selection

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Final Fantasy IX Uematsu's Best Selection


[font=Comic Sans MS]
01. A Place To Call Home
02. Memory Erased by a Storm
03. Night In Alexandria
04. Vivi's Theme
05. Vamo' allá Flamenco
06. Steiner's Theme
07. Danger in the Forest
08. Battle 1
09. Over the Hill
10. Village of Dali
11. Zidane's Theme
12. Cid's Theme
13. A Song from Her Memory
14. Quina's Theme
15. Ukulele de Chocobo
16. Freya's Theme
17. Tantalus's Theme
18. Wicked Melody
19. Garnet's Theme
20. Black Mage Village
21. Eiko's Theme
22. Amarant's Theme
23. Something to Protect
24. Look Back, See the Frog!
25. Daguerreo, the Hermit's Library
26. Bran Bal, the Soulless Village
27. Not Alone
28. Unforgettable Sorrow
29. The Final Battle
30. Behind the Door
31. Melodies of Life ~Final Fantasy
32. Prelude
33. FU-RU-SA-TO (Homeland), Original Version - bonus track[/font]

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Messages: 80
Âge: 34
Enregistré le: Mer 6 Juil 2011 22:22
Localisation: Sur un titan endormie
Genre: Homme

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